Everyone’s childhood favorite, Snow eggs. You only need a few ingredients and the perfect Sunday dessert is ready!
Everyone’s childhood favorite, Snow eggs. You only need a few ingredients and the perfect Sunday dessert is ready!
Snow eggs recipe: First, start whipping the egg whites with a pinch of salt, then add 2 tablespoons of sugar and whip until thick.
Add vanilla sugar to milk, bring to a boil and add make dumplings from the whipped whites.
Cook for a few minutes, flip them a few times and take out from the bowl.
Beat the yolks with salt and sugar until foamy, add a bit of the warm milk and stir until smooth. When combined, add to the milk.
On low heat, stir until thick, then let it cool down and put the dumplings on top.
Put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours and serve.
Good luck preparing the Snow eggs! Enjoy!
You can find more dessert recipes here!