Classic Paprika chicken with sour cream recipe with dumplings! Try it, you’ll love it!
Classic Paprika chicken with sour cream recipe with dumplings! Try it, you’ll love it!
Paprika chicken with sour cream recipe: Preparing the Paprika chicken with sour cream is simple! First, melt fat and braise the onions in it.
Add pepper powder and water.
Add the chicken meat.
When the meat starts getting tender, add paprikas and tomatoes.
Add salt and peppercorns.
When the meat is cooked, thicken it. For this, combine one ladle of juice with sour cream and flour.
Add cream.
Now, prepare the gnocchi. Combine flour with salt and eggs.
Add as much water as needed to get an easily tearable texture.
Add to boiling salted and oily water bit by bit and cook until ready. (It’s ready when the gnocchi rises to the top of the water.)
Good luck preparing the Paprika chicken with sour cream! Enjoy!
You can find more meat recipes here!