Try the Goulash soup, or Gulyas leves! It’s a Hungarian soup speciality everyone will love!
Try the Goulash soup, or Gulyas leves! It’s a Hungarian soup speciality everyone will love!
Goulash soup recipe: Preparing the Goulash soup is simple! First, dice the meat, trim the fat and remove the veins of the meat.
Chop the onions, then braise in some fat. Add the diced meat and cook until it gets white. Next, add paprika powder.
Add as much water as necessary to have the meat under water.
Add salt, pepper, sliced tomatoes and hot peppers.
Stir thorough, cover with a lid and cook the meat until tender in the soup for about 2 hours. In case the water disappears quickly, refill it.
Clean the vegetables (carrots, turnips, celery), then dice/slice them and add to the soup.
Toss in pepper, caraway and bay leaves to the soup.
Add evenly diced, softened potatoes to the soup and cook until it gets tender.
While the potatoes get tender, prepare the noodles. Make hard dough from eggs, flour and some salt, add bit by bit to the soup by hand.
Add noodles bit by bit, cook and wait until they rise to the top of the soup.
Remove from heat and serve while still hot.
Good luck preparing the Goulash soup! Enjoy!
You can find more soup recipes here!