The Easter Egg Nests is a delicious, special meal that will elevate your Easter dinner table!
The Easter Egg Nests is a delicious, special meal that will elevate your Easter dinner table!
Easter Egg Nests recipe: Preparing the Easter Egg Nests is simple! First, hard boil the eggs in 10-12 minutes.
Chop the vegetables, put half the parsley away for now.
Cut the end parts of the eggs and remove the yolks. Put them away in a bowl.
Combine chopped red peppers, radishes, spring onions, parsley, mayonnaise and egg yolks in a large bowl.
Dip the edge of the eggs in water, then in the parsley we put away earlier.
Fill them with the vegetable cream.
Make handles from parsley.
Good luck preparing the Easter Egg Nests! Enjoy!
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