WATCH OUR VIDEO and try our recipe! Are you a fan of cheese? Then you’ll love this amazing Grill Cheese Sandwich recipe! It’s a perfect choice for breakfast or an afternoon snack.
WATCH OUR VIDEO and try our recipe! Are you a fan of cheese? Then you’ll love this amazing Grill Cheese Sandwich recipe! It’s a perfect choice for breakfast or an afternoon snack.
Grill Cheese Sandwich recipe: Preparing Grill Cheese Sandwich is easy! Mix mascarpone, mayonnaise, chopped Mozzarella, grated Cheddar, garlic powder, and salt in a bowl.
Smear two pieces of toast with this mixture and place one bread on top of the other in a way that the creamy sides touch.
Butter the toasts on the outside and put them in a heated frying pan. Cook until the toasts turn golden brown. Good luck preparing the Grill Cheese Sandwich! Enjoy! You can find more breakfast recipes here!