WATCH OUR VIDEO and try our recipe! Would you like to make Hard-boiled Eggs, but you’re not sure how it’s done? We’re here to help!
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WATCH OUR VIDEO and try our recipe! Would you like to make Hard-boiled Eggs, but you’re not sure how it’s done? We’re here to help!
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Hard-boiled Eggs recipe: Preparing the Hard-boiled Eggs is easy! First, fill up a quarter of a pot with water, then add eggs.
Add as much water as necessary to cover the eggs, then bring to a boil.
Add salt and vinegar after boiling to prevent cracking.
Then turn off the heat and leave it covered for 10-12 minutes.
Then peel the eggs and you’re ready to serve them in any way you’d like! Good luck in making the Hard-boiled Eggs! Enjoy! You can find similar recipes here!