Apple strudel… If you want to make something delicious with little effort, try this amazing dish!
Apple strudel… If you want to make something delicious with little effort, try this amazing dish!
Apple strudel recipe: Preparing the Apple strudel is simple! First, mix flour, salt, eggs, warm water, oil and combine thorough. Shape into loaf and grease with oil.
While the dough sits, start preparing the filling. Melt the butter and add breadcrumbs.
Continuously stir and roast the breadcrumbs. When ready, put away for now.
Combine diced apples, sugar, cinnamon, raisins, lemon juice and rum flavoring in a different bowl.
Bathe the dough in flour and flatten on a breadboard. Put parchment paper under the dough, this will be used to roll up the strudel. Wehn ready, start flattening with your hands until thin. Be careful, it tears easily!
Cut the edges with a knife to get a rectangular dough. Brush the top with melted butter.
Spread the filling on top.
Roll up the dough with the help of the parchment paper.
Bake at 370 degrees F until golden brown. When ready, brush with melted butter while still hot.
Good luck preparing the Apple strudel! Enjoy!
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