WATCH OUR VIDEOS and try out our recipes! It’s a true slice of honey heaven, we are talking about no other than Baklava! This is a recipe you can make easily at home and you don’t need many ingredients for putting it together!
WATCH OUR VIDEOS and try out our recipes! It’s a true slice of honey heaven, we are talking about no other than Baklava! This is a recipe you can make easily at home and you don’t need many ingredients for putting it together!
Start with the filling. Mix together the ground walnuts with the cinnamon, then place it aside.
Grab a baking pan which has high walls and butter the sides and bottom of it. Place 2 of the 12 filo pastry sheets on the bottom and wash them with melted butter.
Lay down 2 new filo pastry sheets on top of them and coat them with melted butter as well.
Add some filling on top of the filo pastry sheets, making sure that it’s spread evenly.
Place two more filo pastry sheets on top and coat them with melted butter.
Spread some filling across the top of the filo pastry.
Place two new filo pastry sheets on top again and wash over them with the melted butter.
Spread the filling on top of the layer, spreading it evenly across the pastry,
Place the last filo pastry sheets on top and wash over it with melted butter.
Cut the baklava in half on both sides, then slice through the baklava horizontally. Pour the leftover butter over it and put it in the oven 50 minutes at 345°F.
Move onto the syrup. Over low heat, warm water, honey, sugar and vanilla flavouring together and bring the mixture to a boil. It’s important to do this before you take the baklava out of the oven, as both the baklava and the syrup need to be hot when you pour it onto the dessert!
Take out the baklava from the oven and pour the hot syrup over it. Let it cool completely!
With the help of a knife, you will be able to take out the slices of baklava from the baking pan and you will be ready to serve it!
The team of Recipe Videos wishes you good luck in making your Baklava!