WATCH OUR VIDEOS and try out our recipes! Would you like to make a cheesecake without actually baking it? Then you’ll adore our Chocolate Cheesecake recipe! It’s really easy to make and also easy to eat!
WATCH OUR VIDEOS and try out our recipes! Would you like to make a cheesecake without actually baking it? Then you’ll adore our Chocolate Cheesecake recipe! It’s really easy to make and also easy to eat!
Combine the ground chocolate biscuits with the melted butter, this will become the base of your cheesecake. Place it in your cake pan, spreading the ground biscuits in an even layer. Allow it to rest in the fridge.
To make the cream, you will have to mix together the mascarpone, the sugar and the vanilla aroma until it forms a smooth and creamy texture.
Warm up the whipping cream and add the gelatine powder to it. Make sure that the gelatine completely dissolves in it. Then mix the whipping cream together with the mascarpone. It doesn’t matter if the mixture is a bit runny, as the gelatine will start working soon, which is something you need to watch out for!
Divide the cream into 4 separate bowls. Into the first bowl add 3 tbsp of the cream, add 2 tbsp of cream to the second bowl and only 1 tbsp to the last bowl. Then it’s time to add the melted dark chocolate into these three bowls. Add 1 tbsp of it to the first bowl, 2 tbsp to the second and 3 tbsp to the third. By the end, you should have a bowl of white cream, one which is a bit chocolatey, a third which is mediumly chocolatey and the last which is very chocolatey.
Now all you have to do is pour the cream onto the base of the cake, according to how much chocolate is in them. You can start with the simple white cream at the bottom, continuing with the lightest to the darkest shades. This will work best if the cream has already started to solidify a little but is still runny!
Let the cake rest in the fridge for one night before serving! The team of Recipe Videos wishes you luck in making our Chocolate Cheesecake!