The Cholent is a simple one pot meal, but its excellence lies in its simplicity! Try i!
The Cholent is a simple one pot meal, but its excellence lies in its simplicity! Try i!
Have all your ingredients ready and let’s begin! First, soak beans and barley, soak in water and leave it overnight. Clean the eggs.
Braise onions in hot oil until tender.
Add diced meat, stir thorough and cook for 5-6 minutes.
Add one tablespoon of flour.
Add salt.
Take the beans out of the water and add to meat.
Spread barley evenly, add eggs and 1-1½ cup of water.
Cook with lid on for about 3 hours.
When ready, peel the eggs.
Serve the Cholent in a heatproof bowl alongside the cut eggs.
Good luck preparing! Enjoy!
You can find more one pot meals here!