The Cocoa-cream-cubes is an amazing dessert recipe you have to try!
The Cocoa-cream-cubes is an amazing dessert recipe you have to try!
Have all your ingredients ready and let’s begin! First, beat the yolks with sugar.
Combine with soft butter/margarine.
Add flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and milk.
Spread the mixture in a buttered, floured pan and bake for 10-15 minutes at 360 degrees F.
Whisk the egg whites with sugar over a bowl of a warm water.
Spread on the cooled down dough.
Melt the margarine/butter.
Melt the margarine/butter.
Continuously stir at room temperature and spread on the cream. Let it stiffen.
Good luck preparing! Enjoy!
You can find more dessert recipes here!