You’d like to eat pancakes, but you’re bored of the usual ones? Try the Crépes!
You’d like to eat pancakes, but you’re bored of the usual ones? Try the Crépes!
Crépes recipe: Preparing the Crépes is simple! First, combine eggs, flour, salt and melted butter.
Then add milk and stir thorough with a whisk.
Grease a frying pan with some oil, heat it up, if it’s hot enough then add some of the dough and cook both sides thorough.
When one crépe is done, melt some butter in a different frying pan and add powdered sugar. Caramelize while slowly stirring it.
Add apple slices and bathe all sides carefully. Steam for 3 minutes.
Put the crépe in a bowl, put the apple slices on one side and add some of the caramelized sugar. Turn over one side.
Good luck preparing the Crépes! Enjoy!
You can find more dessert recipes here!