You get hungry during the day, but you don’t have any energy to make something? Then the Easy Ham and Noodles was made for you! It’s easy and quick to make!
You get hungry during the day, but you don’t have any energy to make something? Then the Easy Ham and Noodles was made for you! It’s easy and quick to make!
Easy Ham and Noodles recipe: Preparing the Easy Ham and Noodles is simple! First, combine eggs and cream in a bowl and season it. Stir thorough.
Heat up a pan and melt the butter.
Add diced onions after the butter melts and cook until golden.
Add ham strips and cook for 1-2 minutes.
Add the softly cooked fussili, eggs and combine thorough over heat.
Finally, add the finely chopped chives and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Serve with grated cheese.
Good luck preparing the Easy Ham and Noodles! Enjoy!
You can find more pasta recipes here!