If you are an avid meat eater, the Hunter’s stew was made for you! Try it!
If you are an avid meat eater, the Hunter’s stew was made for you! Try it!
Have all your ingredients ready and let’s begin! First, wash the meat and slice to thin strips. Cook both sides in oil.
Toast onions in the oil until tender, add chopped carrots and crushed garlic.
Add about 4 cups of water, salt, pepper, bay leaf, sugar and mustard.
Add the meat slices and cook for about one and a half hours, until everything gets tender.
When tender, take out the meat and bay leaf, use a hand blender until smooth.
Put the meats back and cook for 1-2 minutes until the spices mix.
Serve with dumplings or mashed potato balls.
Good luck preparing! Enjoy!
You can find more meat recipes here!