Show your love this Valentine’s Day with the Love Cupcakes!
Show your love this Valentine’s Day with the Love Cupcakes!
Love Cupcakes recipe: Preparing the Love Cupcakes is simple! First, whip the eggs with sugar and vanilla sugar.
Mix with soft butter/margarine.
Add flour, baking powder, cocoa powder and milk. Stir continuously until homogeneous.
Spread the mixture in a cupcake pan lined with muffin liner until it fills ¾ of the form.
Bake at 360 degrees F for 30 minutes.
For the chocolate hearts melt the chocolate. Put the mixture in a pastry bag and spread over parchment paper. (You can draw the shapes before to make it easier.) Let it harden in a cold place.
For the cream: Cook strawberries with sugar.
Cream the butter/margarine with powdered sugar.
Add vanilla flavoring.
Pass the strawberries through a sieve to the butter cream and combine thorough.
Put the cream in a pastry bag and decorate the cupcakes.
Put strawberries on top and add a chocolate heart on top.
Good luck preparing the Love Cupcakes! Enjoy!
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