Everyone’s childhood favorite, a meal everyone knows: the Meatballs with tomato sauce! This recipe will not disappoint you!
Everyone’s childhood favorite, a meal everyone knows: the Meatballs with tomato sauce! This recipe will not disappoint you!
Have all your ingredients ready and let’s begin! First, gather the following ingredients in a bowl: mince meat, garlic cloves, eggs, rice, paprika powder, salt, pepper and cumin. Knead thoroughly.
Form perfect sized balls with wet hand.
Bring water to a boil in a larger pot and let the balls cook for 30 minutes.
While the meatballs are getting ready, prepare the tomato sauce.
Heat oil in a middle sized pan, add flour and use a whisk until creamy, toast for another minute. Add tomato sauce and water, don’t stop stirring.
Add sugar, salt and bring to a boil.
When the meatballs are ready, add them to the tomato sauce and stir thorough.
Serve with boiled potatoes or fresh, crisp bread.
Good luck preparing! Enjoy!
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