WATCH OUR VIDEO and try our recipe! You’ve got too many leftover peaches? Or it’s just something the whole family likes? Then you definitely have to try the Peach Preserves, made without preservatives!
WATCH OUR VIDEO and try our recipe! You’ve got too many leftover peaches? Or it’s just something the whole family likes? Then you definitely have to try the Peach Preserves, made without preservatives!
Peach Preserves recipe: Preparing the Peach Preserves is easy! First, add water and citric acid to a larger bowl, stir thoroughly.
Add the peeled, sliced in half peaches. It’s important to sort out bad peaches!
Heat up water in a pot, add sugar and let it boil. Stir a few times and make sure the sugar dissolves completely. After boiling, let it cool down while stirring.
Put the peaches in sterilized jars, then add in the cooled down sugary water. Seal it well with cellophane and the lid.
Put the jars in a bowl, separating them with a dish cloth, to prevent them from colliding. Add lukewarm water to cover ¾ of the jars, then bring it to a boil. Let it cool down in that water.