WATCH OUR VIDEO and try our recipe! You’d like to eat plums during the winter? Let’s prepare the Plum Preserves!
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WATCH OUR VIDEO and try our recipe! You’d like to eat plums during the winter? Let’s prepare the Plum Preserves!
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Plum Preserves recipe: making the Plum Preserves is simple! First, wash the plums thorough, slice them in half and pit them.
Add sugar to water, bring it to a boil while stirring, then let it cool down.
Put the halved plums in sterilized jars, then add syrup and 2-2 clovers to each jar.
Add foil and seal the jars with a lid, seal well. Put the jars in a bowl separated with a dish cloth. Add water to cover ¾ part of the jars, bring to a boil, then let them cool down in about half a day.