Plum stuffed chicken breast wrapped in bacon! A perfect, delicious meal, not only for gourmet eaters!
Plum stuffed chicken breast wrapped in bacon! A perfect, delicious meal, not only for gourmet eaters!
Plum stuffed chicken breast wrapped in bacon recipe: Preparing the Plum stuffed chicken breast wrapped in bacon is simple! First, cut the chicken breast into very thin strips. Add salt and pepper to taste on every side.
Add cored plums in the middle (if you like, you can add cinnamon), then put the plums in the meat.
Wrap in bacon and put in a pan.
Preheat oven to 360 degrees F and bake for 40 minutes.
Try this if you want a creative and delicious chicken recipe!
Good luck preparing the Plum stuffed chicken breast wrapped in bacon! Enjoy!
You can find more meat recipes here!