Vegetable Tofu

WATCH OUR VIDEO and try our recipe! The Vegetable Tofu is a very healthy food recipe, it contains a lot of essential minerals and vitamins. Preparing this dish is very simple, and you can always change the vegetables if you want to. If you’re vegetarian, or would like to try something new, this was made […]

Savoy Cabbage With Potatoes

WATCH OUR VIDEO and try our recipe! The Savoy Cabbage With Potatoes is a filling, cheap and quickly prepared food, that revels in its simplicity, and makes every dinner perfect! RECIPECARD Make your own cookbook with our recipe cards! 😉 Download it – Print it – Make it! Download Now!

Cream peas

The Cream peas is a simple, lightning-fast and healthy recipe. If you don’t know what to make, this recipe will help you for sure!

Lentil stew

The Lentil stew is a classic New Year’s dish, that will surely bring luck!


The Spinach is a simple, filling and quickly made vegetable stew recipe everybody loves!

Cherry sauce

If you have too much cherries and don’t know what to do with them, try the Cherry sauce!

Wax beans stew

The Wax beans stew is a healthy and delicious vegetable stew everyone has to know!

Yellow pea stew

Classic, delicious and simple Yellow pea stew recipe!

Creamy pumpkin

If you’ve had bad memories with Creamy pumpkin, this recipe will surely turn them around. Try it, it’s easy and quick to make!

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