WATCH OUR VIDEO and try our recipe! Elevate your Christmas Eve with the Brownie Christmas Trees! Everyone will love them! RECEPTKÁRTYA Make your own cookbook with our recipe cards! 😉 Download it, print it, and make your own cookbook. (Detailed recipes under the cards!) Download Now!
Serving the Snow-covered pine cones will make for a magical holiday atmosphere!
The perfect pasta recipe for holidays, if you want to make something special! The kids will love the Santa’s beard cake!
Everybody loves the crunchy, healthy Chocolate oatmeal cookies, but thankfully you don’t need to go to the supermarket anymore, try this awesome recipe!
The Santa cap is the perfect dish to make to get your kids in the Christmas mood!
A happy, creative recipe that kids will love! The Egg snowmen will surely bring a smile to everyone who sit down at the table in morning!
Here’s a creative way that shows how to make sausages better! Santa boots! 🌲
Everyone’s childhood favorite, the Snow horns! We brought you this recipe so that you can surprise your whole family with this dessert!